Press Release: 10.02.2022
Embargo: Immediate release
InfraCert awards ehotel® ‘GreenSign Office’ sustainability certification
Berlin, February 2022 – Sustainability has become a highly relevant topic in all industries, and more and more companies are becoming aware of their responsibility to operate conscientiously. In addition, a company’s commitment to sustainability is increasingly important for investors, partners, political decision-makers and customers. However, the transition to sustainable practices can be a challenge for many entrepreneurs, and guidelines for the creation and further development of corporate sustainability strategies, as well as the ability to effectively communicate with all stakeholders, have been missing so far.
The GreenSign Office certification addresses this problem by offering a transparent and efficient solution. The certificate is awarded by InfraCert–Institute for Sustainable Development –, which also provides the GreenSign Hotel sustainability seal and since 2015 has established itself as one of the leading sustainability certifiers. With more than 300 certified hotels to date, InfraCert’s has become integrative, practical and GSTC-compliant environmental management program is market leader in the German-speaking hotel industry.
The hotel booking platform ehotel® has now successfully completed the GreenSign Office certification process and achieved GreenSign Level 3. The hotel booking platform bundles the accommodation offerings of all providers worldwide on one platform through meta-search technology. The Berlin-based company has received several awards for its high-quality service, including from the German Institute for Service Quality and the market research institute ServiceValue. ehotel®’s sustainability management covers all areas of business. All external orders are placed with climate-neutral suppliers: The offices run on green energy and are catered with regional, glass-bottled water. In addition, they are equipped with energy-efficient devices and LEDs and follow conscious heating and waste reduction strategies. Employees are offered green public transport passes and business trips are planned with a low carbon footprint in mind. With many small steps, ehotel® is aiming to become carbon neutral in the near future. To meet its social responsibility, the company relies on modern workplaces, professional development opportunities, sincerity and transparency, robust and open communication structures, equal rights and a pleasant working atmosphere as well as fair salaries.
The underlying mentality is clearly outlined on the company website: “At ehotel®, we believe that sustainability and social commitment are not just trend words, fundamental principles that require action. The future of our planet, and all of us, is at stake. So naturally, we want to do our part by not only featuring more green certified hotels, but also by making our company environmentally friendly and treating our employees fairly and equally.”
A credible certification with an integrated environmental management system contributes to a strong image, offers a valuable competitive advantage and helps companies to successfully acquire customers as well as to effectively conserve resources, save costs and optimize their internal process. In addition, it serves to increase employee satisfaction and to present a more attractive opportunity for young job seekers.
The certification process begins with a self-evaluation by the company using InfraCert’s online certification tool. The evaluation examines the criteria ‘management and communication practices’, ‘environment (energy, water, waste, building structure)’, ‘purchasing’, ‘mobility’, ‘quality management and sustainable development’, ‘social responsibility’, ‘economic responsibility’ and, optionally, ‘catering’. Based on a weighting factor, the company’s sustainability performance is classified into one of five GreenSign Office Levels. All sites or offices are then audited by an independent expert, who produces a qualified report, a so-called sustainability declaration. The certification is valid for three years and enables transparent documentation and credible communication of the company’s sustainability performance for this period.
GreenSign Office / InfraCert The GreenSign Office sustainability seal is awarded by InfraCert – Institute for Sustainable Development. The certification is based on practically relevant criteria and quality assurance is carried out on the basis of recognized frameworks such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), ISO 26000 (CSR Corporate Social Responsibility) and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). The assessed criteria reflect key corporate processes and underline the need to integrate the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN in the 2030 Agenda. With the GreenSign seal, InfraCert offers companies with offices an integrated and sophisticated assessment system that structures, evaluates and documents ecological, social and economic aspects. The classification of a company’s sustainability performance into GreenSign Office Level 1 to Level 5 is based on the result of the self-evaluation using the InfraCert certification tool. All sites or offices are then audited by an independent expert.
The ehotel® hotel booking platform bundles the accommodation offerings of all providers worldwide on one platform through META-SEARCH technology. The Berlin-based company is focusing its business on holistic support of hotel bookings and the associated services for business customers. By integrating tools and services into the systems of the companies in question and through specially developed payment and billing solutions, ehotel® ensures optimized processes, end-to-end expenditure control, compliance and cost savings for the customer. The booking platform has been repeatedly recognized for its quality of service by the German Institute for Service Quality and the market research institute ServiceValue among others.