Best rated: ehotel® stands out in n-tv study

Press Release: 14 June, 2021

Embargo: Immediate release

Best rated: ehotel® stands out in n-tv study

Saving is currently more important than ever – especially for businesses. When it comes to ​​business travel, therefore, hotel portals offering price comparison are the way to go. Thus, the portals bear increasing responsibility to provide accurate information, transparency, secure booking processes and ease of use. This is why n-tv commissioned the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ) to put various providers and the advantages they offer to the test. In 2021, ehotel® emerged from the study as a clear winner. The hotel booking portal convinced the trained raters by offering the best prices, providing extensive, relevant information on its website as well as fast, reliable customer service.

Markus Hamer, managing director of the analysis institute DISQ, says: “It is not surprising that in difficult times, companies may try to save money on services provided.” But there is another way: For ehotel®, providing a high-quality service is an integral part of the company’s business model, be it in the form of constant updates to the search, filter and sorting options, or personal customer contact. “Even as test winners, there are still opportunities for us to improve our offering,” says Fritz Zerweck, CEO of ehotel®. “We are constantly working on doing better, and that in turn allows us to react quickly to individual questions and new challenges of our time.”

The ehotel® hotel booking platform bundles the accommodation offerings of all providers worldwide on one platform through META-SEARCH technology. The Berlin-based company is focusing its business on holistic support of hotel bookings and the associated services for business customers. By integrating tools and services into the systems of the companies in question and through specially developed payment and billing solutions, ehotel® ensures optimized processes, end-to-end expenditure control, compliance and cost savings for the customer. The booking platform has been repeatedly recognized for its quality of service by the German Institute for Service Quality and the market research institute ServiceValue among others.
